środa, 19 marca 2014

Is const-correctness paranoia good?

Yes, definitely. Lets see this simple example:
$ cat test.cpp
int test(int x) {
 if (x = 1)
  return 42;
  return 0;
$ g++ -c test.cpp
$ g++ -c -Wall test.cpp
int test(int x) {
 if (x = 1)
  return 42;
  return 0;
Only when we turn on warnings, compiler tell us about a possible error. Making the parameter const shows us error:
$ cat test2.cpp
int test(int x) {
 if (x = 1)
  return 42;
  return 0;
$ g++ -c test.cpp
test2.cpp: In function ‘int test(int)’:
test2.cpp:2:8: error: assignment of read-only parameter ‘x’
  if (x = 1)
All input parameters should be const, all write-once variables serving as a parameters for some computations should be also const.

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